A rewarding detour
In December 2022 I went to Cairns for a work thing. Having never been there I took a couple of days either side and set off in my hire car to explore the area and record some Wild Secrets podcasts. Over five days I recorded six of them including with Ian Tunbridge of Industrial Vintage art and the cafe I stopped at for coffee and breakfast on my way to another recording. I actually went back to record Ian despite it being a 45-minute drive south. He was such a fascinating character and welcoming chappie. Made a really good coffee as well.
I popped across the road because while I could get the best coffee in Gordonvale in one place, the EB was across the road, on the corner.
I have no idea why my GPS was taking me this way, but I’m glad it did. Sometimes Siri ain’t that smart, and then she is.
I’m not going to lie; the EB was average. Packet sauce, bready, no frills. I opted for a half serve and I’m glad I did. It filled a hole in my tummy and it wasn’t terrible. The ham was delicious and smoky. It definitely wasn’t Don.
I want to go back to the coffee.
Rich, smooth, hot without being unbearable, frothy and gratifying. Honestly, just one of the best coffees I’ve had in a very long time.
After drinking my joe, I drove onto record a podcast. I could taste the bean on my lips for a good twenty minutes afterwards. Lucky really because the next part of the drive was the Gillies Range Road up to the Atherton Tablelands and it was windy. I needed all my wits about me.
Would I go back: EB proberlay not, coffee and art, in a heartbeat!
Location: Caffin8 Cafe
Address: 41/42 Norman St, Gordonvale, QLD
Website: on Facebook
EB Price: $22 ($11 for a half serve)
Location: Trolley Coffee
Address: Shop 9 / 58–62 Norman Street, Gordonvale QLD
Website: on Facebook
Coffee Price for a large Latte: $5.50