Gang with no bang
I found myself in a hipster part of town on a Monday morning with a little time to spare, so naturally, the breakfast food of champions called to me.
On a typical Canberra Winter’s day, where the temperature was yet to reach double digits I decided to sit outside directly under a tall gas heater. I put a folded blanket on the metal seat and an unfolded one over my knees. Sitting in the grey air was better than being inside with the chitter chatter and crying babies. I sat and watched the many dogs tied up watching their owners dine inside.
The dogs made for great company.
My order was pretty run of the mill. Eggs with a large latte (with wiggly witches hat). Keeping it simple there is only one option on this menu. I took my number 8 and sat down at the concrete table top in Singer cast iron legs that lent on a angle I could have used a protractor on.
I sat a watched as a guy sat in a van in a full car park flipped the bird at drivers asking if he was leaving. Life really is just too hard for some people. And he was warm.
The eggs arrived an they looked so pretty with seeds and micro greens sprinkled on top and the hollandaise was orange with tiny red speckles. That’ll be the ‘smokey paprika’. The ‘Griffith Butchery’ free-range ham looked like bacon. Maybe I was about to get a two for the price of one?
The bread had that hard, hand-blown glass, effect. That happens when you toast sourdough. So I slid the topping off that bread and broke it away from eyes, lest I lose an eye.
Remarkably I was struck by how lacking in flavour the sauce was. Clearly homemade, it was neither citrusy or paprikay. And certainly not smokey. The bacon/ham was tasty with a saltiness that let me know I was alive without clogging my arteries. The eggs were cooked to perfection. Runny yolks with just the most minuscule amount of white snot.
I ate as the dogs had turned their attention to me. I had food, and it was clearly smelling good. I’ve never been so glad dogs were harnessed in place.
I will go back. After all this place is home to one of the many poetry evenings in town. They make a decent cuppa tea and their cakes…
Although I have to confess I wouldn’t order the eggs in hurry again, I am definitely eyeing off the ‘pancakes with lemony roast pears, ear grey cream. candied pecans and lemon thyme syrup’. That will make Dorothy happy because the last time we dined together she asked, ‘don’t you wonder about missing out on food adventures always ordering eggs benedict?’
What do you think, do you think I miss out?
Location: Gang Gang Cafe
Address: Shop 4 / 2 Frencham Place, Downer ACT 2602
EB Price: $18