Twelve Days of ORen: Day 1

Frances Carleton
3 min readDec 20, 2021

This isn’t an eggs benedict review, but it does discuss delicious breakfast food and talk about the first of Twelve Days of ORen.

ORen was my cat. My beautiful, character full Japanese Bobtail (with a tail) that passed away earlier in the year, after a short fight with cancer.

She was a wanderer. Specifically a Carleton Wanderer. This means she often travelled with Fè and I when it was possible. Which makes it fitting that she accompany us on our Christmas road trip where we’ll scatter her ashes as we go.

We started today by dropping a few ashes at Goodhew Park in Taralga. This was a place we had a wee stop on a number of occasions. a small town with clean public amenities is a small park, that allowed both Fe and ORen to have a leg stretch and a pee. ORen never peed, she always waited until we reached our destination and immediately messed up the litter box as soon as I put it down.

Today, it was just Fe and I, and being shortly before noon, the perfect time for brunch. The local cafe didn’t have an extensive menu, but it could never be accused of being dull.

guarding the good folk
on land of yellow and green -
sentinels stand

A Bacon and Eggs Roll cost me $10. It came with a slice of cheese, pickled red onion and BBQ sauce. I’m not entirely sure what sort of bread the used, but that too was just right. The whole thing was perfect.

I drank the entire carafe of water, later I would regret this as I needed to pull over in O’Connell at the rest stop to use the long drop. Fe was very grateful, as this stop offers up some of the best smells and things to roll in.

It’s just over 400kms from Canberra to Kandos, it was made longer by the amount of times and kilometres I had to walk to move eight dead macropods from the middle of the road/lane on bends and crests. After moving a particularly large male from the center of the land on a sharp bend, a motorbike powered passed as I stood in the long grass saying farewell. I fear it could possibly have been a goodbye to more than just the roo if he had still been prostrate on the tarmac.

The delicious breakfast had fortified me. If I’m travelling through at the right time for this cafe, check out the website for days and times, I will definitely stop again.

Maybe next time I’ll try the Smoked Fish Open Sandwich.

Location: Grand Ettie
Address: 34 Orchard Street, Taralga, NSW 2580

Cost: $10



Frances Carleton

Grief and trauma therapist, poetry writer type, and Eggs Benedict and Lego minifigure enthusiast. What would you like to talk about today?